Uluarctic Consulting

Problem Solving Made Easy

Dec 25, 2022

Starting a business in 2023

Starting a business in 2023

Starting a new business, especially a start-up, can be an exciting and rewarding experience. However, it is important to be aware of the legal considerations and risks involved in starting a company. In

Nov 16, 2022

The Road to Electric

The Road to Electric

Electric vehicles (EVs) have become increasingly popular in the UK due to their potential to reduce emissions and dependence on fossil fuels. In recent years, the government has implemented several policies and programs

Oct 12, 2022

Recent developments in Construction Law

Recent developments in Construction Law

Construction law is an ever-evolving field that impacts the development and maintenance of buildings, infrastructure, power plants, skyscrapers and other structures. As construction projects become more complex, the legal issues involved also become

Aug 8, 2022

Le Crime d’Escroquerie

Le Crime d’Escroquerie

L'escroquerie est un délit. Il consiste pour l'escroc à tromper une personne (physique: Individu qui possède une personnalité juridique et qui lui permet de conclure des actes juridiques ou